
合作办学招生类 志愿填报



第二篇文书是“Why DKU”,要求考生描述申请昆山杜克大学的原因以及考生与昆杜的契合点,不超过300字;



(一)必选短文(1),从以下 7 个主题中任选一个完成一篇不超过 650 字的短文,昆杜不接受少于 250 字的短文。

1.Talk about an intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research) and how it has influenced your learning experience.

2.The mission of Duke Kunshan University is to enable students from around the world to lead purposeful and productive lives. Talk about your understanding of what a purposeful and productive life is.

3.Duke Kunshan University is a diverse and inclusive community where those who study, live, and work see differences between various cultures as an opportunity for learning from each other, creative expression and innovative thinking. Talk about how you will benefit from the diversity on campus and how you contribute to the diversity of the community.

4.Describe a major mistake you have made or a challenge you have encountered in your life, how you handled the situation and what you have learned from it.

5.Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to successful teamwork.

6.All students at Duke Kunshan University area committed to enhancing the values of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Give an example of how you took actions to uphold these values when they were violated.

7.If you have an idol or role model, talk about his or her virtues that you admire the most and why they matter to you.



第二篇必选文书要求考生写出申请昆山杜克大学的理由,其实“Why DKU”文书是一个双向互动,招生官和考生彼此选择的过程。建议考生可以从学校与专业两方面着手,先进行前期资料搜集,掌握昆山杜克大学的使命、教学体系、专业优势等基本情况,并且在文书中写出自己与昆杜的契合点,例如,对昆山杜克大学的使命有感、认同昆山杜克大学的国际化教学模式、向往跨学科融合的通识教育等。



(二)必选短文(2),字数不能超过 300 字。

Why do you think Duke Kunshan University is a good match for you? And what special qualities do you feel you could bring to Duke Kunshan University?


Question: Why do you consider Duke a good match for you?


Dear admission officer,


I think Duke Kunshan University is a good match for me.

Duke Kunshan University enjoys a distinguished international reputation. What fascinate me most are the rich historical heritage of the two founding universities and the continuous pursuit of academic excellence of DKU. Such strong academic settings make DKU even more attractive to me that all professors are Ph.D holders from top-ranking universities around the world, and that the undergraduate programs not only emphasize theoretical academic training but also attach great importance to practical experiences, for instance, individual presentations and group projects. I will have abundant opportunities to study with leading researchers and a group of resourceful and committed peer students, producing cutting-edge and internationally recognized research works with advanced facilities of DKU, and developing essential skills for future careers and lifelong learning.


“Tenting with Internet Access.” This concept epitomizes the balance between academics, That’s what I’ve been looking for. While the Duke student body is spirited enough to participate in Krzyzewskiville, they are also committed to their academics. It is not sinks and showers they need, but outdoor internet hookups to continue to meet their academic challenges. Duke’s student population—intellectual, involved, and ethnically diverse—is one of the major reasons why the university is a good match for me. Duke will equip me to become a leader in my field by expanding my set of skills and enabling me to become involved in pharmaceutical research. With Research Triangle Park close by, I will definitely pursue and internship or a job at what Fortune Magazine described as “the top place in the U.S. to do business.” Duke offers a large number of exciting classes in the field of biology. I am most intrigued by the classes in genetics and cellular biology. With all that Duke offers its students, I would be very committed to giving back to the community. Having had such learning and service opportunities as the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program and the Economic Leadership Summer Program at Northwestern University, I feel that I can make a positive impact within the Duke community. I would hope to continue my commitment to disabled children through Pegasus or a similar organization.


I hope to apply for DKU because I love both Duke and Kunshan City. Duke university is one of the top universities in the U.S.DKU as a branch school shares the same resource fromDuke. Kunshan is a highly-developed city close to Shanghai. That’s why DKU becomes an ideal school for me. I think I match the quality of international studying in both academic and personal aspect.

As for academic studying, I am good at mathematics. My passion for mathematics is originated from Go I played for years. I trained the logic from it and utilized it in math studying. Especially, I like statistics a lot. Out of my personal interest, I use my leisure time learning math and I seek a further study in math in the university.I want to gain knowledge on math and hopefully I could dedicate in AI domain. Since my passion and academic performance in math, I meet DKU’s demand. I believe the strong academical resources of DKU can also meet my demand of the further exploration of the math world.




